European Forum: Conferences & debates – Presentation


European Forum

16th and 17th March 2022



Anouman Adiko Jean-Michel presents his exhibition of objects made by Ivorian children: « Creativity and ingenuity of African children in the context of villages and camps in Ivory Coast« .


By our institutional partners.

11.30am-1pm: CONFERENCE-DEBATES (part 1):

« Continuing to enrich, together, our actions! – A dialogue between Sylviane Giampino, President of the High Council for Family, Childhood and Age (HCFEA) and Aurélie Lesous, in charge of artistic and cultural awakening and education at the Ministry of Culture:

  • How to define the policy of artistic and cultural awakening in the ethical and pedagogical challenge of a quality reception of very young children and with their families?
  • What is the place of art and culture in the dynamics between professionals, and the accompaniment of parents in the spirit of a valuation of their cultural rights?
  • Towards childcare services as places of culture for young children: What obstacles should be removed? What achievements should be consolidated? What projects should be developed?

1pm: LUNCH



Dialogue with young creators: presentation of the creation project « Entre les lignes« , by the Lunatic Company (Cécile Mont-Reynaud).

« Entre les lignes » – Lunatic Company

Multidisciplinary (acrobatics, dance, objects, music) – young audience (1-5 years) – Creation 2023

« A line is a point on a walk » (Paul Klee)

Since time immemorial, people have drawn lines by walking, writing, drawing and weaving. Nourished by the writings of anthropologist Tim Ingold (« The life of lines »), Cécile Mont-Reynaud invites us to explore these threads, lines, traces and furrows that draw so many ways of thinking, of living, of connecting – ways of being in the world. Through movement, the manipulation of materials and sound, the creation Entre les lignes comes into contact with early childhood, that age during which the relationship to the body and to others, in short, the relationship to the world, is constructed.

16:00-18:00: CONFERENCE-DISCUSSION (part 2)

16.00-17.00: Dialogue on two very sensitive approaches to the toddler and his emotions between Carlos Laredo « The baby poet, an evolving and tribal being in intercommunity life » and Bernard Golse « The baby philosopher« .
Carlos Laredo is an artist, director of the Compagnie La Casa Incierta (Brazil) – a pioneering company in the field of performing arts for young children – who listens to the infinite capacities that every human being carries from birth.

Bernard Golse is a child psychiatrist, professor emeritus of child and adolescent psychiatry at the University of Paris-Descartes, founder of the Institut Contemporain de l’Enfance and psychoanalyst: he is particularly interested in the development of the psyche in children and the establishment of the processes of semiotisation and symbolisation. He is the author of numerous publications on early childhood.

5-6pm: « Dance and birth » – A dialogue on perinatal and early childhood issues between Anne-Laure Rouxel and Sylvain Missonnier to understand how to combine well-born and well-being.
« Dancing with your baby inside you is delightful. Exploring, in one’s maternal body, living poems rich in new sensations of support, stretching, postures, gestures, breathing, invites tò a better well-being. Discovering one’s dancing body to accompany the birth of one’s child. Birth is moving ».

Anne Laure Rouxel is a choreographer of creations for very young audiences (Compagnie Cincle Plongeur) and author of the book  » Bougez votre bassin ! Un guide pratique et poétique pour un accouchement physiologique » (Ed. Leduc), which bears witness to her prenatal dance workshops via the Culture Santé scheme (DRAC/ARS) – conducted at the Tours University Hospital.

Sylvain Missonnier is a psychoanalyst and professor of clinical psychology of prenatal care (Paris V -Descartes). He explores his research on the creativity and vulnerability of prenatal and postnatal links.




Anouman Adiko Jean-Michel presents his exhibition of objects made by Ivorian children: « Creativity and ingenuity of African children in the context of villages and camps in Ivory Coast« .


Dialogue with young creators: presentation of the creation project « Marmelade » by the Eclats Company (conception and direction Sophie Grelié)

« Marmelade » – A concert for children from 2 years old

« Marmelade », for the pleasure of tasting and mixing music and the French and Italian languages.

A kitchen where sounds and words are cooked, from salty to sweet, from bitter to sour, from crunchy to melting… Giulietta and Marcello (her beloved cello) always have plenty of ideas for sound and musical recipes.

« Marmalade » is a musical delicacy: an ode to pleasure and jubilation, a delight to pass from one language to another, a delight to be tasted all in music!

11am-1pm: CONFERENCE-DEBATES (part 3)

11am-12pm: « Music for the youngest children, towards what horizons?« – Joint reflection on the experiences of Philippe Bouteloup, musician and trainer for Musique et Santé, and Michael Lurse, co-director of the Helios Theater Company and partner in the European musical project Mapping – Small Size.
If music, rhythm and voice games form the basis of young children’s emotions, how can we use this language to stimulate their imagination and creativity, and encourage experimentation and dialogue? How does the musical gesture make « sense » for the person performing it as well as for the person sharing it? What dynamics are involved in « doing for » and « doing with »? How can we embody listening and bring music to life in an artistic environment and in the hospital world?

12:00-13:00: « And… Around language? » – Meeting and dialogue between Ramona Badescu and Céline Schnepf
The image and the word are combined as well in the sharing of a reading as in a performance: both favour the representations/metaphors that listening and looking provoke. So what kind of language adventure does the theatre offer the youngest spectators? What literary material does it draw on? Aren’t text and speech, often combined with other languages, a real challenge for artistic research for this very young audience?

Ramona Badescu has been creating books as spaces for dialogue between text and images in children’s literature for twenty years. She is interested in the poetics and plasticity of language and its possible representations, sometimes also touching the fields of theatre, photography and documentary film.

Céline Schnepf is the author and director of the Compagnie Un château en Espagne: « I address both children and adults, to find the place where our language can take several routes at the same time… Addressing one organically, the other symbolically… Using text, image, sound and music as materials… sculpting them. Do not simplify anything, neither my subject nor my writing, but use the necessary tools to make them perceptible.

1pm: LUNCH



Dialogue with young creators: presentation of the creation project « La mue« , by the Melampo Company (Eleonora Ribis and Candice Hayat).

« La mue » (The moult)

Multidisciplinary – young audience (from 4 years old) – three parts between 2023 and 2025

The presentation will focus on a three-part project to be carried out between 2023 and 2025: a book object, a kamishibai bicycle and a performance-installation, based on the theme of moulting, the process of change and transformation that allows one to change hair, skin and shell. A delicate and difficult moment that also allows one to grow. A proposal that questions, on different scales, the immersion of the child in a device and the possibility of making him/her an actor at every moment, in different forms.

16:00-18:00: CONFERENCES-DEBATES (part 4)

16.00-16.30: « Creativity and ingenuity of African children in the context of villages and camps in Côte d’Ivoire » – Speech by Anouman Adiko Jean-Michel.
« Inspired by the work of Agnès Desfosses, « Enfances Chercheurs d’Or, regards et paroles croisés dans 5 villes d’Europe », we saw in this work similarities between the children of Europe and those of the Ivory Coast through their closeness to nature, their ingenuity in creating their own toys and games with local materials coming from nature or even industrial materials. A window is opened on the context and process of transmission of early childhood know-how.

Anouman Adiko Jean-Michel is a teacher-researcher in Cinema and Audiovisual, Senior Lecturer in the Arts Department of the UFR Information-Communication and Arts and co-founder, with Agnès Desfosses, of the Cultures of Africa-Cultures of the World Foundation.

16h30-17h: « Building bridges, creating transitions between the different worlds of young children, combining continuity and novelty » – Speech by Sylvie Rayna.
Based on the books « Transitions in early childhood » (Peter Lang) and « Les passerelles tout un art! » (érès), the place of culture, art and nature is questioned. To create a link. Through the interweaving of different voices and adventures shared between nurseries, leisure centres, nursery schools and with families.

Sylvie Rayna is an early childhood education psychologist, researcher associated with the EXPERICE laboratory – Université́́ Sorbonne Paris Nord, in partnership with ACTA in its European exchanges.

17h-18h: PRESENTATION OF THE NEW ERASMUS + PROJECT (2020-2023) – Early Childhood Education Professionals in Training: Arts and Early Childhood

For an enhancement of cooperation and mutualisation through territory projects: questioning our strategies, their practices and their contexts. How to bounce back together for this new project on early childhood?

With Ingrid Wolff (2 Turven Hoog – Almere, Netherlands), Heather Armstrong (Starcatchers – Edinburgh, Scotland), Isabel Urpi (La Sala – Sabadell, Spain) and Laurent Dupont (ACTA – Villiers-le-Bel, France).

18:15: SHOW « L’AUTRE DE MOI »

Presentation of the new creation of the ACTA Company (Laurent Dupont) followed by a dialogue with Anne Cammas, artist and singer, who contributed to the research on lullabies, through meetings with groups of children and parents with our partners in the local municipal area (Crèches, Lieux Accueil Enfants-Parents, Bel Epi, Centre socio-culturel Camille Claudel).