
Founded in 1989 by Agnès Desfosses and directed by Laurent Dupont since 2014, ACTA creates and presents shows for young and very young audiences in France and abroad. They bring together different artistic languages (song, dance, acrobatics, text, photography) on stage.

Our current projects

CREATION | “Le chant de l’arbre” takes a fresh look at trees, putting them at the heart of artistic creation. Between song and dance, image and sound, a whole poetic and choreographic ecosystem is created, to be shared with the little budding trees that make up the audience… From the age of 2!

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT | Since March 2024, ACTA has been developing their yearly community project around the theme of trees, initiated in 2023, this time with the kindergarden and primary schools of Villiers-le-Bel. A year for visual arts, dance and poetry.

RESIDENCY | Looking for a warm and welcoming place to work on your next creation? ACTA welcomes companies that create for young audiences and the general public throughout the season through 2 schemes.