Performances – Premières Rencontres 2016

European Biennial in Val d’Oise – Art, early childhood and live performance
From 19th March to 9th April 2016

13 European shows (Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy and the Netherlands)
The proposed shows are nourished by all kinds of artistic languages (theatre, dance, objects, plastic arts, music…).
Some have narrative forms and others lead us into a world of sensation, of contemplation, without the thread of a story, in the engagement of perceptions and the enhancement of sensory languages as much as of speech.
The choice of these shows was based on the imaginative relationship with the audience, particularly in terms of the scenography and the writing, considering that the form and the theme should touch children as much as adults.
We have paid attention to the forms of the shows so that some of them can be presented in crèches, in places with few facilities and of course in theatres. In this way, live performances can be offered as close as possible to the places where very young spectators live, as well as in theatres where an exceptional outing will be made.

Un tiroir de neurones miroirs
Compagnie Le Cincle Plongeur
Creation of PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES 2016 – January 2016

Dance and music, beating rhythm, a few words and our emotions. Opening the magic drawer, here comes the explosion of feelings! Joy, sadness, fear, wonder, anger.
Two women, two girls, two fairies, straight out of a fantastic universe, discover, in sound, light and movement, the power of their “mirror neurons”.
They learn, exchange, share with the audience, bounce off emotions. With a sob or a laugh. Showing their teeth or eyes as round as saucers. An excursion into the world of feelings and humanity. A little trip to Empathy, to mix our neurons. A magic mirror.

Conception, choregraphy and performance: Anne-Laure Rouxel Music, vocal creation and interpretation: Julie Bonnie Lights : Franck Thévenon Costumes : Céline Haudebourg

Website of Compagnie Cincle Plongeur

Production: Ville de Tours/ Label Rayons Frais, La Direction de l’action culturelle dela Ville de La Riche/ La Pléiade, Le Tout Petit Festival 2016/ Communauté de Communes Erdre et Gesvres, Graines de spectacle / Clermont-Ferrand, la ville de Marly-La-Ville, la municipalité de Vouvray. Conseil Régional de la Région Centre – Val de Loire, Conseil Général d’Indre et Loire, avec l’aide à la création du Conseil Départemental du Val d’Oise dans le cadre de la Biennale européenne en Val d’Oise, PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES, Art, petite enfance et spectacle vivant 2016 – Compagnie ACTA.

Dans les plis de mes rêves
Compagnie Charabia
Created in October 2014

The fold, the material that undulates, breaks and sculpts, is also a hollow, an interior where the mystery, the secret, the unknown and the dream are housed.
A solo voice in movement, in the form of a journey close to the children in a poetic space where the voice circulates and the body dances.
The voice, through the modulation and vibration of sound, seeks to rediscover the first emotions of the voice which explores, plays, sings, “phonetizes”, invents languages, cries, laughs, calls. The body breathes, playing with gravity, sculpting the space in presence. In a suspended listening, an imaginary world unfolds, leaving room for dreams…

Artistic conception, music creation and performance: Mathilde Lechat

Site internet de la Compagnie Charabia

Coproduction : le Petit Faucheux, scène jazz et musique improvisée, Tours (37) ; le festival «Ce soir, je sors mes parents», Communauté de Communes du Pays d’Ancenis (44); EPCC Théâtre Le Quai, Angers (49). Soutiens : Ville de Nantes; Conseil Régional des Pays de la Loire; Conseil Général de Loire Atlantique; CNV; SPEDIDAM.

Compagnia Teatrale Piccoli Principi
Created in October 2014

Some artists refer to childhood out of poetic necessity. They seem to aspire to a form of essentiality, of purity. They are artists who feed off childhood: atmospheres, memories, desires, but also the logic, creative methods and compositional rules typical of childhood. They would like to seize the secrets of the stylisation practised by children in their way of drawing, in their way of speaking.
In “Découpages” we see one of these artists at work in his studio. He draws with scissors. He uses the technique of paper cut-outs to create suggestive atmospheres. As if by magic, these cut-outs become an invitation to tell stories: stories born directly from the movement of the scissors.

Writing and performance : Alessandro Libertini Stage direction : Alessandro Libertini et Véronique Nah

Site internet de la Compagnia Teatrale Piccoli Principi

Production Compagnia Teatrale Piccoli Principi supported by : Théâtre Massalia/La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille; Théâtre Athénor, Saint-Nazaire ; L’Yonne en scène, Perrigny; Festival Maggio all’Infanzia, Bari; Fondazione Sipario Toscana, Cascina; Regione Toscana.

Le Fil Rouge Théâtre
Created in October 2014

In the space, Ivan, a dancer and Jeff, a musician. Between them, they are over a hundred years old. These explorers of song and dance have crossed the boundaries of their art many times. The space of their meeting, a canvas unrolled on the floor. On either side, other explorers are there. At the dawn of their lives, they discover the world, movements, sounds, colours… small children.
Drawing and painting slip in between breath and movement. Colour between song and dance. A long brush flies away in light blue arabesques. Spots, contours, traces. Space is drawn, created, erased. Puddles. Vibrates again. Between the subtle play of movement, music and painting, they invent the language of beginnings.

Stage direction : Eve Ledig Music, singing and performance : Jeff Begnignus Choregraphy, dance and performance : Ivan Favier Scenography and costumes : Sabine Siegwalt Lights : Frédéric Goetz

Site internet du Fil Rouge Théâtre

(En)quête de notre enfance / Opus 1
Compagnie D’à Côté et Collectif I am a bird
Created in May 2015

1,2,3 we’ll go to the woods; 4,5,6 we’ll pick cherries, you might say. We will retain 1,2,3 and invite you to slip into other suites, into other resonances made of lights, music,
theatre and dance. A journey to the heart of the sensitive where this 1,2,3 is both this childish rhythm, but also these first three times where something that founds us is played out, where children and adults find themselves.

Conception, writing, stage direction : Aurélie Leroux; Conception, writing, performance : Daniela Labbé Cabrera; Scenography and manipulation : Constance Arizzoli; Lights : Philippe Gladieux; Technical manager : Claire Tavernier Manipulation : Anne Sophie Durand; Sound : Guillaume Callier

Site internet du projet « ‘(En)quête de notre enfance »

A project of I am a bird now (75) and Compagnie d’à Côté (13). Coproduction la Tribu – Théâtre de Grasse, Théâtre Durance Château-Arnoux/Saint-Auban, Scènes et Cinés, Le Carré, Théâtre Massalia, Pole- Jeune Public-TPM. Avec le soutien de l’Adami, la Spédidam.

Compagnie Aaben Dans
Created in September 2011

Igen (‘still’ in Danish) celebrates the pleasure of play and movement. The two dancers seem to be discovering the use of their bodies: they jump and turn, trying out new combinations each time, they play with light and sound as if they were playing with ropes and balls… An apparent simplicity and a communicative enthusiasm that give the piece its strength.
The spectators are seated as close as possible to the two dancers for an organic encounter, all in softness, play, observation and experimentation of oneself and the other through the language of the body.

Dancers: Jenny Ecke/Antoinette Helbing et Ole Birger Hansen; Production: Lya Lundsager; Idea: Catherine Poher et Thomas Eisenhardt; Choregraphy: Thomas Eisenhardt; Stage direction: Catherine Poher.

Site internet de la Compagnie Aaben Dans

Production : Aaben Dans

L’Avoir! Ode chantée au savon
Compagnie ACTA
Created in November 2014

“L’avoir…” is a sound poem for 6 basins, 2 handkerchiefs, a sheet and 13 soaps, punctuated by images.
Through water, sound and projections, the two artists evoke the ancestral… but unlikely meeting between water and soap, this kind of stone… But yes! Susceptible!

Stage direction : Laurent Dupont; Singer : Justin Bonnet; Drummer : Maxime Echardour; Videomaker : Sébastien Sidaner; Technical manager : Bernard Beau; Costumes : Gaëtan Leudière.

Website of Compagnie ACTA

ACTA, Compagnie conventionnée : Ministère de la Culture DRAC Ile-de-France, Conseil Général du Val d’Oise, Ville de Villiers-le-Bel. ACTA est subventionnée par le Conseil Régional d’Ile-de-France dans le cadre d’une convention de permanence artistique. Coproduction Nova Villa – Festival Méli’Môme.

Little Wonder
Compagnie sQueez
Created in September 2011

If a branch can dance and a ray of light can sing a melody, then miracles will never cease. Be lulled by the wind, and comforted by the reflection of the sun. Join the ‘wonder seekers’ for a fabulous time! A dance performance that makes small events big and puts them in the light.

Conception and dance: Anne-Beth Schuurmans / Cie sQueez; Music live : Tessa Zoutendijk; Scenography: Elian Smits; Outside advice : Laurent Dupont / Cie ACTA; Artistic collaboration : Ingrid Wolff; Lights: Erik Van Raalte.

Site internet de la Compagnie sQueez

Made by Anne-Beth Schuurmans/Cie sQueezz in co-production with Festival 2 Turven Hoog and supported by Performing Arts Fund in New makersregeling.

Wiersma & Smeets
Created in March 2016

Ludopia is a theatrical project in which children aged 2 ½ – 4 years can play with all kinds of curious play structures and specially designed toys, which trigger the curiosity of the technique.

Conception and performance : Moniek Smeets and Bram Wiersma; Dancee, performance and explanations : Ulrike Doszmann

Site internet de la Compagnie Wiersma & Smeets

Production : Wiersma & Smeets

MOKOFINA, La fine bouche
Created in February 2015

MOKOFINA is a moment of pleasure, of play, of exploration, of imitation, of expression, where the mouth becomes the funniest, the most varied, the most precise, the most accessible musical instrument…
Through the voice, the mouth, the child becomes familiar with, associates with and situates himself, with pleasure…
Close to the audience, the musician experiments with the field of possible sounds of the mouth with and without accessories, he creates a musical awareness of the listener who, in his life, has already experienced all these exhilarating moments of discovery.

Compositions, voice, music and moves : Kristof Hiriart

Site internet de la Compagnie LagunArte

Co-production : Agglomération Sud Pays Basque, Athénor de Saint Nazaire, Institut Culturel Basque et l’Office Artistique de la Région Aquitaine (OARA).

Monsieur Papier et Don Carton
Theater de Spiegel
Created in March 2014

Mr. Paper and Don Cardboard, two funny little gentlemen, are looking for a story together!
 A large gift and many paper books produce heartbreaking surprises, severed paths, crumpled projects, pots full to the brim and bending construction kits.
In short, it’s a slightly absurd quest for the boundless imaginative power of paper and words… even if at times it does get a bit out of hand.

Stage direction: Pat Van Hemelrijck; Composition: Stefan Wellens; Performance: Karel Van Ransbeeck et Stefan Wellens; Concept: Karel Van Ransbeeck; Decors and accessories: Wim Van de Vyver.

Site internet de la Compagnie Theater de Spiegel

Production : Theater de Spiegel

Je suis là
Compagnie La Croisée des chemins (Le trapèze Ivre)
Created in March 2016

Two acrobatic dancers and a cellist invite the audience to an astonishing experience: a show where you can’t stand still, where you explore, where you venture. A show where curiosity, the desire to try things out and attention to others are the order of the day. A show where reflection and words give way to sensations. The intensity of the present moment, of an encounter beyond words. To feel life as a force within oneself.
Being there.
I am here.

Original idea : Delphine Sénard; By : Julie Mondor, Delphine Sénard et Marion Soyer Lights : Jean-Gabriel Valot

Site internet de la Compagnie La croisée des chemins (Trapèze Ivre)

Creation supported by : Argenteuil Bezons l’agglomération, La Ville d’Argenteuil, La Ville de Deuil-La Barre, La compagnie ACTA, la Briqueterie de Montmorency, le Théâtre de Jouy-Le-Moutier et Nil Obstrat.

Pica Pica
Eleonora Ribis
Created in December 2015

One day the neighbours’ baby was crying loudly.
Seagulls in the sky, coming from the sea, were crying. The two sounds were so close that they blended together. When I read this sentence by James Barrie, I understood: “children, before they are born, are little birds”.
And I was fascinated by the idea that one could have lived a bird’s past. Fascinated by the idea that one can keep in one’s voice and body a memory of wings and feathers.

Conception and interprétation : Eleonora Ribis; Costumes and objects : Emmanuela Cossar et Nathalie Martella; Artistic collaboration : Laurent Dupont et Justin Bonnet

This show was supported by DRAC Bourgogne in a residency in a crèche in Joigny, La Minoterie, Pole de création jeune public et d’éducation artistique à Dijon, Très Tôt Théâtre, scène conventionnée jeunes publics à Quimper, et la Compagnie Acta – Festival Premières Rencontres. Eleonora Ribis est en compagnonnage avec la Compagnie l’Artifice/Christian Duchange.