Live performance repertoire

A Vos Saveurs
Sound and visual appetizer
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 6 years old | Created in 2019

Sons…Jardins Secrets
Sound and visual show
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 4 years old | Created in March 2017

Dans les yeux des autres
Show inspired by the myth of Antigone
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 12 years old | Created in January 2016

L’Avoir ! Ode chantée au savon
Sound and visual show
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 18 months old | Created in November 2014

En Corps (E)crits
Second part of the diptych “A corps et à cris”, a reflection that mirrors two fundamental “passages” for the construction of a person: early childhood and adolescence.
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 11 years old | Created in 2013

En Corps
First part of the diptych “A corps et à cris”, a reflection that mirrors two fundamental “passages” for the construction of a person: early childhood and adolescence.
Laurent Dupont
All audiences from 3 years old | Created in March 2012

Debout !
Intergenerational creation with the inhabitants of Villiers-le-Bel.
Agnès Desfosses, in collaboration with the DK-BEL dance company
All audiences | Created in 2010

Moi Seul
An interrogation of Brotherhood, of the “light/dark” aspect of its relations.
Laurent Dupont, in collaboration with Agnès Desfosses
All audiences | Created in March 2009

Comme le vent souffle
Show on the theme of exile and moving places
Agnès Desfosses
All audiences | Created in 2007

A musical poem, sung, played and danced, which evokes the double journey of the parents and the child, from the expectation of birth to the awakening of the newborn to the world around him.
Agnès Desfosses
Created in December 2005

¡ Mira ! le pays des reflets
A live show in the form of a sensory journey, combining acting, singing, acrobatics, photography, water and music.
Agnès Desfosses
From 4 to 8 years old | Created in December 2005

Souvenirs d’Avenir
Show and exhibition
Agnès Desfosses
2000 and 2001

L’Appareil à Nuages
A different kind of opera
Agnès Desfosses

Sous la Table
A mermaid and a merman have only one desire: to have two legs like children in order to grow and walk.
Agnès Desfosses
From 1.5 to 3.5 years old | Created in May 1996, austrian version in 2002 et portuguese version in 2009

La tête dans les mottes
Theatrical walk
Agnès Desfosses
1995 and 1996

Ah ! Vos rondeurs
A tribute to babies and to all those who accompany them in their development.
Agnès Desfosses
From 4 months to 4 years old | Created in 1994, austrian version in 2005

Le Colosse, Rêves
Show on the theme of the city
Agnès Desfosses
Created in 1994

Géant et Minuscule
We are always bigger or smaller than somebody
Agnès Desfosses
From 3.5 to 5 years old | Created in March1992, started again in May 2011

Exils, scènes d’intérieur
Show destined for apartments based on testimonies about exile
Agnès Desfosses
1990 and 1992
Photographic exhibition repertoire

État d’être
Photographic exhibition
Photos by Agnès Desfosses
All audiences | Photos taken between 1997 and 1998, exhibited in 2018 as part of the PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES festival

Petit, grand exil / Petit, grand déménagement
Photographic exhibition designed as part of the urban renewal of a neighbourhood in Villiers-le-Bel
Photos by Agnès Desfosses
Created in February 2007

Le Jardin des Chimères
Photographic exhibition on the theme of reflections, interactive and poetic, highlighting the imagination of everyone
Photos by Agnès Desfosses
From 3 to 6 years old | 2002

La L.T.T. à Conflans, histoires de vie
Exhibition: photos and texts of testimonies of former employees of this company, created and demolished in the twentieth century.
Photos by Agnès Desfosses

Cité Montillet, une seconde naissance
Exhibition with scenography and sound, commissioned by Xavier Croci (director of the Forum du Blanc Mesnil) as part of ACTA’s artistic residency
Photos by Agnès Desfosses

Visages et Corps en Scène
Exhibition created as part of “Images Côté Cours”, an initiative by the Enfantillage festival in Seine-Saint-Denis
Photos by Agnès Desfosses

Venues d’ailleurs, images et voix de Femmes
Exhibition presented by Imagic 94 in Villiers-le-Bel, which toured in social centres across the Île-de-France region
Photos by Agnès Desfosses

Jeux en images / Masques-mains / Lustre d’émotions
Photographic exhibitions designed at La Coupole, National Theatre of Combs, within the city, and in Dammarie-les-Lys
Photos by Agnès Desfosses

1/125ème de seconde
Portraits of kindergarten children about their emotions, exhibited in Villiers-le-Bel and in social housing halls.
Photos by Agnès Desfosses