Dans les yeux des autres

Photo credit : Agnès Desfosses


Show inspired by the myth of Antigone

all audiences from 12 years old

Direction: Laurent Dupont

Conception: Laurent Dupont and Joey Kohnke

Dramaturgy and writing: Joey Kohnke

Music and instrumental creation: Jean-Luc Priano

Choreography: Stefania Rossetti

Lighting design: Bernard Beau

Costumes: Alla Gryschenko

With: Céline Caussimon, Jean-Luc Priano et Stefania Rossetti

Collaborations artistiques : Vladimir Kara, Yves Fauchon et François-Xavier Guérin

Created in January 2016

Production : ACTA, conventioned company: Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise, City of Villiers-le-Bel. ACTA is subsidised by the DRAC Île-de-France through a territory convention, and by the Île-de-France Regional Council through an artistic permanence convention.

Coproduction : City of Villiers-le-Bel (95)

With the support of the SPEDIDAM and the ADDA 82.

Sensitive to the threshold of adolescence, a pivotal period in the construction of a person, and echoing his artistic proposals developed for very young children, Laurent Dupont continues his research work, initiated with the show “En Corps (E)crits”, to propose a music and dance production for adolescents and pre-adolescents.

This composition, involving dance, visual arts and music, is inspired by the rebellious figure of Antigone, and is guided by the universal values of this teenager “in resistance”, in struggle with traditions, while referring, as pretexts, to the writings of Henry Bauchau – Antigone and Sorj Chalandon – The Fourth Wall.
