List of companies hosted between 2012 and 2016
List of companies hosted in 2017
List of companies hosted in 2018
List of companies hosted in 2019
List of companies hosted in 2020
List of companies hosted in 2021
Since January 2018, the company ACTA has become a “lieu de fabrique” with the support of the Ile-de-France region, which has been present with ACTA for many years. This designation allows ACTA to continue the mission it had set itself of opening places conducive to artistic creation and to welcome, accompany and collaborate with artists and guest teams.
The ACTA company thus offers periods of residency, public rehearsals or presentations of models, as well as a sharing of the creation tools made available to them in the premises.
For more informations : clemence@acta95.net / 01 39 92 46 81