ACTA also took part in the European ERASMUS + Project (European programme for education, training, youth and sport) entitled “Artists in training: art and early childhood” from 1 September 2017 to 31 August 2019.

Action project: cooperation in innovation and exchange of practice
Strategic partnerships in education and training
Main objective: exchange of good practice
Issue: How to grasp the challenges of writing for a very young audience without confronting them?
This is the challenge facing ACTA (France), 2+ Stichting (Netherlands) and Starcatchers (Scotland). The 3 partner organisations, recognised in their countries, each have several years of experience in issues relating to creation for very young children. They wish to combine their skills in favour of artists and early childhood, a pivotal period in the development and creativity of the child.
They propose to artists wishing to invest themselves in creation for young children a training process that is concrete and complete, through 6 training and mobility periods combining :
- Study trips to discover the social contexts and methods in each partner country. Early childhood professionals, essential partners of this project, and researchers and specialists will be invited to testify and speak.
- Time for putting into practice, for experimentation in the heart of European early childhood structures.
- Sharing of experiences and collective enrichment.
This process aims to respond to the needs of young artists, those of recognition, accompaniment, multiple territorial experiences, enriching encounters and international sharing.
6 young artists (2 artists for each structure involved), 3 members of the training structures, 2 university researchers working on the development of the child in contact with art and 6 professionals from the Villiers-le-Bel early childhood centre are mobilised at all stages.
The artists are confronted with a new audience, different contexts and specific practices. The aim is to confront the artistic practices of each artist in order to share skills and cultures. This double confrontation is intended to nourish the reflection and the artistic work. The artists will be invited to present a possible creation project at the end of this training.