Jun 1, 202229 March 2023 European Forum 2022: the report is now available by ActaCompagnie “In the northern suburbs of Paris, in Villiers-le-Bel, 18 years ago in 2004, creating the European Biennale of “Premières Rencontres, Art, petite enfance et spectacle vivant” was a simple and urgent necessity: that of bringing together parents, children, childhood professionals and artists to act with knowledge of each other’s principles and ideas and thus create bridges between our different professions in order to make them evolve in consultation around the poetic wellbeing of early childhood…”Agnès Desfosses The detailed report of the conferences and debates of the European Forum, written by the journalist Naly Gérard, is now available online (in French). Synthèse – Forum Européen 2022 Publish at Calameo