photo credit: Louise Catry-Bossis
The first phase of our 2023 annual community project “Encounters around Land Art” ended a few weeks ago. Children and childcare professionals from the Carreaux district of Villiers-le-Bel were able to (re)discover the natural richness that surrounds them through a variety of artistic activities.
In addition to Land Art artist Marc Pouyet’s exhibition “P’tit Land Art”, a series of workshops were run by Pouyet and visual artist Constance Arizzoli.

photo credits: Louise Catry-Bossis and Clémence Bélénus
On 9, 12, 19 and 20 June, children and staff from the Pierrot et Colombine crèche in Villiers-le-Bel explored different natural materials in music with Constance, and created their own “p’tit land art” with Marc on 28 June. Marc also visited the Jean Jaurès and Gérard Philippe kindergarden schools on 26, 27, 29 and 30 June for collective mandala creation workshops.
Professionals and teachers were mobilised to collect natural materials in the surrounding green spaces, as well as the Gérard Philippe leisure centre, whose collection day was immortalised in an exhibition created by Clémence Bélénus, in partnership with the town’s local development department.

photo credit: Clémence Bélénus
Villiers-le-Bel residents can look forward to seeing Marc Pouyet, Constance Arizzoli and their autumn-coloured land art at the end of September.

photo credit: Louise Catry-Bossis