“At a time when many festivals have been cancelled all over France, we are proud to have fought and succeeded in staging this 7th edition of PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES. Whatever the difficulties, we are happy to once again bring together children, artists, professionals in the field of childhood and culture, researchers, parents… so that art and early childhood continue to rub shoulders. Let us salute the fundamental role of several of our partners, including the Fondation d’entreprise Aéroports de Paris and Val de France for their precious support. They have chosen to remain by our side in this financially acrobatic situation of the ACTA Company. Others, engaged in structural changes, have not yet been able to meet the deadlines set by the organisation of our event.
We would like to underline the sensitive attention of the Conseil Départemental du Val d’Oise which, as with each biennial event, renews its support and thereby stimulates a creation dedicated to young children: for this 7th edition it is Un tiroir de neurones miroirs by the Compagnie le Cincle Plongeur.
We are grateful for the determination of the 17 partner cities to maintain the tours and to defend the artistic work that is at the heart of these actions.
Together, we continue and share the reflection on societal and cultural issues related to early childhood.
Thanks to Val de France and the city of Villiers-le-Bel, the conference-debates and the programme of shows presented during the Forum on 30 and 31 March 2016 will be maintained. Aware of the need to defend our “ideals” and an event that questions the foundations of a “being together” that is more necessary than ever, we have chosen to continue this Forum in a militant way even if the conditions are more delicate. Most of you are already aware of this situation.
Thanks to your presence and your interventions during the conferences and debates, our exchanges will be a shared richness and will breathe new life into our artistic actions with and for young children.
We invite you to this event where our meetings will once again bear witness to the vitality of our networks and the validity of our actions.”
Agnès Desfosses and Laurent Dupont

From 19th March to 9th April 2016
13 shows for very young children up to 4 years old in 17 towns in the Val d’Oise county: Arnouville, Argenteuil, Cormeilles-en-Parisis, Ermont, Fosses, Garges-lès-Gonesse, Gonesse, Goussainville, Marly-la-Ville, Montigny-lès-Cormeilles, Montmorency, Persan, Saint-Gratien, Saint-Ouen-l’Aumône, Sarcelles, Taverny, Villiers-le-Bel.
30th and 31st March 2016
A European Forum at the Marcel Pagnol space in Villiers-le-Bel with shows, conferences and inter-professional exchanges involving artists, researchers, festival directors and programmers, staff from early childhood organisations and parents.
In addition… the PREMIERES RENCONTRES are also workshops with artists, training courses on “Art, early childhood and live performance”, and conference-debates throughout the Val d’Oise.
To dig deeper…
Venues and cities that partnered with us for the 2016 edition of the festival
The entire programme for the 2016 PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES festival
Download the press release (in French) for the 2016 edition of the festival
Report of the 2016 PREMIÈRES RENCONTRES festival
Our partners
ACTA, conventioned company: Conseil départemental du Val d’Oise, City of Villiers-le-Bel. ACTA is subsidised by the DRAC Île-de-France through a territory convention, and by the Île-de-France Regional Council through an artistic permanence convention.