For this 10th anniversary edition, which followed a 9th edition that was very constrained by the pandemic in 2020, we can look forward to a great success!
A big thank you to our institutional partners, our financial partners, the volunteers, the technical teams, but also and above all, the participants in person and online via Zoom. It was a pleasure to share these moments in Villiers-le-Bel together. Moments of debate, conferences, nourishing and necessary exchanges, and performances from elsewhere in Europe! Artists, early childhood professionals, cultural professionals, everyone was there.
All the conferences were filmed, as well as the shows, and video interviews of some of the speakers were made. We will make them available as soon as possible
A written synthesis on the same model as the 2020 edition is currently being produced by Naly Gérard (journalist).
These archive documents are very important for us: they will allow us to disseminate to as many people as possible – and especially to those who were unable to attend – the richness of the exchanges during these meetings.
They will be available from the end of April/beginning of May.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones and continue to work towards awakening the art and culture of the little ones, to nourish and develop their imagination and to accompany them as best you can on the sensitive paths of life!
And don’t hesitate to give us your feedback on this event, which is close to our hearts and which combines all the fundamental reasons for ACTA’s action over the past 30 years!