“Sons… Jardins Secrets” is part of the dynamics of a theatrical writing at the intersection of expressive forms and aesthetic issues associating music, painting and poetry (writing and theatre) for a dramaturgy of sensations as close as possible to the audiences concerned (children and adults).
Laurent Dupont: “I wanted to share with children and adults the paths on which this new creation takes us in the implementation of nomadic workcamps to open up to the often unknown territories of shared gardens, to venture into these lands of origin where the gardens of intimacy flourish, places of the founding emotions of each being… How can we cultivate this garden in the making that is childhood?
A stroller welcomes the visitors, arranged around the enclosure. He introduces his story with a song, in the magic of the phonemes and sound images that will fill the story. He then puts on his gardener’s apron to shape his landscapes on his stage carpet, which he embellishes with materials and silk squares, carried away in an intimate dialogue with his little seeds, promises of life.

Community Engagement work
Past tours
15th to 17th March 2017 – Villiers-le-Bel (95)
25th, 27th and 28th March 2017 – Festival Méli’mômes, Reims et Fismes (51)
31st March and 1st April 2017 – Festival Petits et Grands, Nantes (44)
From 4th to 7th April 2017 – Le Grand R, La-Roche-sur-Yon (85)
4th and 5th May 2017 – Graines de spectacles, Clermont-Ferrand (63)
16th to 20th May 2017 – Maison du développement culturel, Gennevilliers (92)
31st May and 1st June 2017 – Festival 1, 9, 3 Soleil !, Espace George Siméon, Rosny-sous-Bois (93)
14th to 16th December 2017 – Théâtre des 4 saisons, Gradignan (33)
14th February 2018 – Montmorency (95)
4th to 7th April 2018 – La maison du théâtre, Brest (29)
8th to 10th April 2018 – Très-tôt Théâtre, Quimper (29)
18th and 19th April 2018 – Festival Ruutia Helinki, Helsinki (Finlande)
6th and 8th June 2018 – Helios Theater Festival, Hamm (Allemagne)
15th September 2018 – Villiers-le-Bel, déambulation sonore dans le cadre des Journées Européennes du Patrimoine
30th September 2018 – Propriété Caillebotte, Yerres (91) – déambulation sonore
12th November 2018 – Festival Loostik, Forbach (53)
29th May 2019 – 9-9bis, Oignies (62) – déambulation
5th and 6th June 2019 – 9-9bis, Oignies (62)
Saison 2019/2020
5th and 6th October 2019 – déambulations à La Butte Pinson (95) et Rentilly (77)