Land Art Encounters: the autumn workshops

Photo credit: Clémence Bélénus

The beautiful weather allowed the children and professionals of Villiers-le-Bel to connect with the richness of nature at the start of autumn through material collections in the park, visits to the “P’tit Land Art” exhibition at the Aimé Césaire library, and taking part in indoor and outdoor workshops.

Photo credits: Clémence Bélénus

On 4 October, the children and professionals at the Agnès Desfosses childcare centre in Villiers-le-Bel created their own “lil land art” with Marc. He then visited the Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Louis Jouvet kindergarden schools on 5 and 6 October for workshops to create collective mandalas using materials collected by the pupils and their teachers.

Finally, a workshop was organised on 4 October at the Aimé Césaire library, giving children and adults curious about land art the chance to meet and create with Marc Pouyet.

photo credits: Louise Catry-Bossis

The project is continuing and will end next November in Claye-Souilly, in partnership with the Communauté d’Agglomération Roissy-Pays-de-France and the L’Orangerie public library.